STRING CYCLES is an on-going interactive project on the oral tradition.
Using the ancient art form of string figures, popularly known as Cat's Cradles, this
work is an allegory for the transmission of knowledge in the age of the Internet. It
is a weave of traditional storytelling themes - from African folktales and the Homeric
epics- to the visual poetics of Mallarme that are juxtaposed with 'superstring' theories
in physics and the Buddhist story of Indra's Net, which tells of an endless series of
threads connecting the universe.
A new on-line application of STRING CYCLES for Internet2 is now in-progress
following the
initial realizations of this project as a videotape (pre-face/post-face) and an interactive
CD-ROM installation for the Kwangju Bienniale, Korea. It is a metaphor for the Web and ultimtely as a GRID project for these emerging resources.